We Are Giving 1% More

We understand that in order to tackle the environmental problems we face requires the concerted efforts of individuals and organizations that share the same passion for the planet as we do. That is why Zero Waste Store is a proud contributing members of 1% for the Planet, a worldwide network of consumers, businesses, and nonprofits that are linked together in a mission to protect the future of our planet. Through the power of collective impact, our coordinated efforts toward a common goal become a dynamic source of influence with the ability to solve the world’s problems.

You Can Empower Yourself!
You shop. We give back. Tackling our environmental problems takes work and costs money. Nonprofit organizations need adequate funding to support the hard work required of them to restore and preserve our planet for future generations to enjoy. And while Zero Waste Store proudly donates one percent of our annual sales directly to support green organizations and their work, it is everyday consumers like you that are the lifeblood of this system. You make it all possible!
You, the individual, are now empowered with the ability to send the “dollars” you spend to reach the “doers” on the front lines, and each purchase you make represents a solution to the environmental issues that challenge us. Through this is an innovative method of bringing dollars and doers together, you now have a way to directly finance certified and vetted environmental organizations every time you shop at Zero Waste Store!
We're an approved 1% partner!
"To date, 1% for the Planet has raised over $225 million to support environmental organizations around the world!"

We Commit To Green Initiatives
1% for the Planet plays such an important role in the zero waste movement. It represents the kind of innovative thinking we need to discover more creative solutions that will help finance Earth preservation efforts and support green initiatives. To date, 1% for the Planet has raised over $225 million to support environmental organizations around the world!
"Committing a portion of our sales each year to nature-friendly causes also allows us to hold ourselves accountable, and attract very loyal customers who share the same environmental passions and goals that we do."

As proud members of 1% for the Planet, Zero Waste Store writes our donation checks directly to our non-profit partners to support their team of “doers” performing the hard work in the field. It allows us a convenient way to make an impact at the local level and give back to the very communities we do business in. Committing a portion of our sales each year to nature-friendly causes also allows us to hold ourselves accountable, and attract very loyal customers who share the same environmental passions and goals that we do.
"The objective of 1% for the Planet is not only to give directly to eco-friendly causes, but to also promote increased growth in the total amount of global funding for these diverse environmental organizations that are doing groundwork that is making a difference through a concerted effort."

A Collective Effort Makes a Bigger Impact
The objective of 1% for the Planet is not only to give directly to eco-friendly causes, but to also promote increased growth in the total amount of global funding for these diverse environmental organizations that are doing groundwork that is making a difference through a concerted effort. With more than 2,000 members, in over 45 countries currently around the world committing at least 1% of their annual business sales to go directly to environmental non-profits committed to finding environmental solutions, each individual can now become a part of a more powerful collective impact with every purchase they make. Through a diverse global network of participating business (and individual) members and environmental nonprofits, 1% for the Planet provides a streamlined source of direct funding from an increasingly eco-conscious public and growing green consumer market. This innovative way linking of collaborating individuals, businesses, and nonprofits provides the benefit of “collective impact” needed to create lasting solutions.
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